About Us

Meadville Firm

To go beyond what others provide has been the standard funeral home practice ever since 1892 when the original Byham Funeral Home was established. In 1929 our current building was the first structure this side of the Mississippi River to be built solely for the purpose of a funeral home. Over the years the funeral home has also been known as Byham-McBride Funeral Home, Byham-Miller-Mizner Funeral Home, Inc. and in 2008 it became known as Stephen P. Mizner Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Inc.

Although the name may have changed, one thing that has not changed has been our commitment to compassion, care and concern to each family we serve. Because of this, we have been and continue to be Meadville’s most long-standing and experienced funeral home. We have been serving the Meadville area for nearly 130 years. We take pride in living up to our motto, “Going Beyond What Others Provide”.

Saegertown Firm

Our Saegertown branch is Crawford County's longest continuous-running funeral home. Having been established by Wilson Hunter in 1850 as an Undertaking Business, he was the first of four generations which included Frank, Gordon and Kenneth Hunter to own and operate the former Hunter Funeral Home. The building was constructed in 1910 and in it's early days operated in connection with a hand crafted furniture store which built coffins and had a farm which often accepted farm animals as bartered payment for services.

Continuing with 135 years of uninterrupted operation by the Hunters, we purchased the funeral home on March 1, 1985 and are proud to reach nearly 175 years of non-stop operation. While carrying on the high standards set by the Hunters, we uphold our motto of, "Going Beyond What Others Provide".

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